TAKE ACTION: Protect North Pacific Loggerhead Sea Turtles From Longlines


National Marine Fisheries Service is considering lifting the hard cap on the North Pacific Loggerhead sea turtles in Hawaii's shallow set longline fishery. Currently the cap is set at 17 for this species. This means that after 17 North Pacific loggerhead sea turtles are either killed or seriously injured as bycatch, the fishery has to shut down for the remainder of the season. They argue lifting that cap will "to ensure a continued supply of fresh domestic swordfish to U.S. markets." We cannot allow this to happen.⁠
PLEASE take a moment to submit a public comment by Friday (March 20th).⁠
Even sending them something as simple as "please do not remove the cap on loggerhead sea turtles" is extremely helpful.⁠
Feel free to share this post and spread the word.⁠
Photo: Janelle Van Ruiten/@janelle_vanruiten.⁠


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